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Facial with Growth Factors

Facial with growth factors, also known as PRP facials, is a revolutionary cosmetic treatment that uses the body’s healing properties to rejuvenate the skin. During the procedure, a small sample of the patient’s blood is drawn and processed to extract platelet-rich plasma (PRP), which is then applied to the face. PRP contains a high concentration of growth factors, which stimulate collagen production, enhance tissue regeneration, and promote overall skin health. The result is a smoother, brighter, and more youthful complexion.

Non-Surgical Facelift with Growth Factors

The non-surgical facelift with growth factors, or PRP facelift, is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure combining platelet-rich plasma (PRP) with dermal fillers. During the procedure, a small amount of the patient’s blood is drawn and processed to extract PRP, which is combined with dermal fillers and injected into specific areas of the face. The PRP serum stimulates collagen production and tissue regeneration, while the dermal fillers add volume and smooth out wrinkles and fine lines.

Hair Restoration

Hair restoration with PRP (platelet-rich plasma) is a cutting-edge and minimally invasive treatment for hair loss that harnesses the body’s natural healing properties. During the procedure, a small sample of the patient’s blood is drawn and processed to extract PRP, which is injected into the scalp.

The PRP contains a high concentration of growth factors that stimulate hair follicles, increase blood flow, and promote cell growth and regeneration. Over time, this can lead to thicker, healthier, and more voluminous hair growth.


The O-Shot is a non-surgical and minimally invasive procedure that uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to improve sexual function and enhance pleasure in women. During the procedure, a small amount of the patient’s blood is drawn and processed to extract PRP, which is injected into specific areas of the vaginal tissue. The PRP contains growth factors that stimulate collagen production, enhance tissue regeneration, and increase blood flow to the area, resulting in improved sensitivity, lubrication, and overall sexual satisfaction.

Woman embracing man after O-Shot in Denver


The P-Shot, also known as the Priapus Shot, is a non-surgical and minimally invasive procedure that uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to improve erectile function and enhance sexual performance in men. During the procedure, a small amount of the patient’s blood is drawn and processed to extract PRP, which is then injected into specific areas of the penis.

The PRP contains growth factors that stimulate tissue regeneration, increase blood flow, and enhance sensitivity, resulting in improved erectile function and overall sexual performance.

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At Vitalogy Health and Integrative Medicine, we believe every patient deserves personalized care and attention to achieve optimal vitality. Our experienced practitioners work with patients to understand their unique needs and develop customized treatment plans using the latest medical technology and techniques. Whether you want to reverse the effects of age on your skin or sexual health or achieve optimal wellness, we have the solution for you — schedule a consultation to initiate your journey.

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